Mind Training & Mental Health Development

Mind Training, Counselling & Mental Health Development for Organizations, Businesses, Families, Institutions & Senior Citizens

Lead Digital Network is aided and mentored by TRACK HERE AND NOW, a Coimbatore-based leading organization involved in the professional study of Transactional Analysis (TA) for over 35 years in India. It aims to educate individuals on the fundamentals of Transactional Analysis and guide them in assisting others by providing strategies to establish meaningful goals and successfully achieve them.

This is achieved through effective, time-tested, and proven transformation training methodologies by collaborating, cohabitating, and coexisting with people, units, and sectors looking for positive growth, self-development, and enhancing capabilities.

Objective of our Mind Training & Development Methodologies

Lead Digital Networks aims to transform organizations, enterprises, institutions, agencies,  social groups, communities, and people into productive forces and accelerate their growth through focused training, mentoring, and guidance.

Founded by an expert team of Transactional Analysis (TA) Certified Trainers,  Organisational Growth Enablers, Startup Mentors,  and Behavioral Analysts, we are a state-of-the-art organization formed to transform lives and enhance individuals’ growth skills and capabilities globally. We cater to a diverse audience and users and ensure precise and quality knowledge transfer that is actionable, dynamic, and reusable using TA, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Behavior therapy, Emotional intelligence (EI), or Emotional Quotient (EQ) techniques and more (check below for details).

Our methodologies are based on 100+ years of combined research comprising different industry verticals, sectors, segments, and niche areas. We strive to change people’s lives, ensuring quality transformation and adaptability to today’s ever-changing dynamic work and social strata.

What We Do?

  • To accelerate the growth process in a defined system 
  • To fill the current skill and behavioral gap existing between the industry and potential aspirants 
  • To transform society and the ecosystem, thereby shaping the future of human potential
  • To serve as mentors to tutors who in turn disseminate the required knowledge for the community
  • To act as a one-stop platform that onboards mentors in various sectors, and hones their skills, transforming them into world-class trainers and mentors.
  • To assess and deliver the skills required for any organization that will steer them toward success
  • To set the parameters and measure the metrics required for a high-performance rate
  • To clinically remove the obstacles that stun organizational or individual growth and performance
  • To act as a catalyst of change in an ecosystem, industry, or community
  • To act as ‘partners for growth and excellence’ for sustained performance and enhanced mental capabilities
  • Development of a tailored Mentor-Mentee program 
  • Building customized faculty awareness &  development program
  • Self-styled programs that are unique and irreproducible
  • Online training modules for participants to learn from the comfort of their homes
  • Training course structured to suit individual learning pace and style

Segments Focussed

  • Institutions, Universities, Colleges & Schools
  • Family
  • Elderly Homes & Senior Citizens
  • Societies, Apartments & Gated Communities
  • Organizations – Startups, SMEs/SMBs, Businesses, Government, Corporates & Enterprises

Areas of Focus

  • Self-development & Human Excellence
  • Relationship & Behavioural Issues
  • Women Empowerment
  • Mental Health
  • Social Issues
  • Decision Making

Range of One-on-one Counselling Services

Our range of personalized counseling services in the area of problem-solving and empowerment includes Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, Behavioural & Social issues including Anxiety, Anger management, Stress & Depression,
Career confusion, Conflict Management, Low Self-esteem, Family issues and
Trauma for Couples, Families, Physically Challenged, Students, Individuals, Professionals & Families.

Key Activities

  • Tailored Training, coaching, mentoring or counseling session
  • Measuring Effectiveness
  • Follow-through based on feedback received

Psychology Fields – Terminology

Transaction Analysis (TA)

Eric Berne established Transactional Analysis (TA) therapy in the late 1950s. This therapeutic approach is based on the idea that individuals possess three distinct ego-states: parent, adult, and child. By utilizing these ego-states in conjunction with various transactional analysis principles, techniques, and frameworks, therapists can effectively analyze communication patterns and determine the necessary interactions for achieving positive outcomes.

During therapy sessions, the TA therapist focuses on addressing problem-solving behaviors and assisting clients in acquiring practical tools for discovering positive and innovative solutions. The main objective is to empower clients to regain complete independence in managing their lives. According to Eric Berne, this autonomy involves the restoration of three essential human abilities – spontaneity, awareness, and intimacy.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP, short for ‘Neuro Linguistic Programming’, was established in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They initially studied and modeled the techniques of therapists such as Milton Erickson, Gregory Bateson, Fritz Perls, and Virginia Satir.

NLP models, techniques, and strategies have progressed through the study of exceptional models, aiming to enhance our comprehension of how our cognitive processes and actions are shaped by the language we employ. This understanding empowers us to effectuate positive transformations in both ourselves and those around us by emulating excellence in various domains.

NLP provides us with the tools to enhance our comprehension of how our brain processes the language we employ, and the subsequent impact on our past, present, and future. It equips us with techniques to analyze human behavior and glean valuable insights from both positive and negative examples.

Emotional intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Emotional intelligence (AKA EI or EQ for “emotional quotient”) is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively and constructively. This ability to express and control emotions is essential, but not without the ability to understand, interpret, and respond to one’s emotions. Some experts suggest that emotional intelligence is more important than IQ for success.

Behavior therapy – Schema Approach

Developed by Dr. Jeffrey Young, an American psychologist, the schema approach is a behavior therapy model incorporating elements from cognitive-behavioral therapy, attachment theory, psychodynamic concepts, and emotion-focused therapies. In contrast to cognitive-behavioral therapy, schema therapy focuses on lifelong patterns, techniques for effective change, and the therapeutic relationship, particularly highlighting limited reparenting.

Schema therapy is highly effective for challenging clients who struggle with persistent, severe psychological conditions such as personality disorders (such as borderline personality disorder and narcissism) and eating disorders, as well as for couples facing complex issues and individuals involved in criminal activities. Additionally, it has shown positive outcomes in preventing relapse in cases of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

The preliminary findings from a significant comparative outcome research indicate that schema therapy is successful in treating a large proportion of outpatients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder while maintaining a minimal dropout rate. Individuals who have dedicated years to gaining meaningful understanding through psychodynamic therapies, yet feel dissatisfied with their advancement, frequently exhibit positive reactions to the dynamic, structured, adaptable, and profound schema approach.

If you are interested in the services provided by our team, please call us for a discussion. We will get back to you within 24 hours to provide more information for informed decision-making.